Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kanye West - Monster

Nicki has the best scene and verse without a doubt.

Get out of my life.

2010 you have been hell and I’m so happy you’re moving out. Take your sickness family wrecking self elsewhere. 2011 I hope you’ll be a good friend to me. So long 2010 you won’t be missed.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Teena Marie - Square Biz


Rags to Riches – Let Me Roll it

So I got the idea to write fan fiction these days from someone and well it’s snowing here and I am beyond bored so here’s my fan fiction to share. No I mean ghetto fiction (;

These stories are silly and not meant to take seriously I have no aspirations of being a writer so if it sucks it’s not crushing any dreams.


Andre -Think of a light skin cuter version of Carlton

Jermaine- A mixed of a Thug and Decent Young black man

Wiz Khalifa – Himself

Wiz is in a dilemma he must have good marks on his homework to pass his final grade but the weed is taking over so he enlists Andre and Jermaine for help.

Wiz – So Andre what do you like to do for fun?

Andre – well unlike yourself I like to read, you know educate myself for the future. Wiz have you ever heard of the future and all the possibilities of it?

Wiz- Huh?

Andre- Yeah I wouldn’t expect you to since you’re always high

Wiz- Hold up I’m never high just free, I don’t worry like you two.

Jermaine – What exactly do I have to worry about?

Andre – Yes enlightened us.

Wiz- Nah I’m saying I just let life happen, you know whatever happens happen for a reason.

Jermaine – What does that have to do with smoking weed?

Wiz- Weed is part of me letting things happen, it cures my worries, your boy Andre needs to take a hit he’s such a tight ass.

Andre – I’m a tight ass because I care about my education unlike you, I saw you during class and I wonder how you even made it to this college

Wiz – I’m smart that’s how I made it: Wiz Laughs:

Andre- Well act like it, you’re an embarrassment 100 % of the time.

Jermaine – Anyway why did you call us here, you know meet you in an alley of all places.

Wiz – I need a favor

Jermaine – What?

Wiz- I need one of you to do my homework.

Andre – You request us to meet you in an alley just for you to say can you do my homework. Well thanks for being a waste in my life. I’m leaving

Wiz- No!!1 I really need you guys to help me if I don’t get it done I might not pass and you two are very smart ..

Andre – And weed less

Wiz- : blank stare: Are you trying to play me?

Jermaine – Wiz drop by my house later tonight me and Andre will tutor you

Andre- What, no I will not, I refuse

Jermaine – Andre Can I speak to you in private, excuse us wiz.

Wiz – Take your time: Wiz prepares to smoke some more:

Andre - : Whispers: Are you insane? Why should we help this drug addict.

Jermaine- Why not? I’m sure he’ll pay us I could use the extra cash you know that fool spends $10k a month on weed I mean you’re rich but I sure can use it.

Andre – Jermaine look at him; Andre and Jermaine stop to look at wiz, wiz looks back and smiles: He’s an idiot...

Jermaine – Just do this for me

Andre – Alright but you tutor him I’ll watch.

Jermaine – Alright wiz come to my house at 7:00 p.m we’ll help you.

Wiz – Aww thanks you my nigga’s

Andre – You my what?

Wiz- You my nigga, my boys: Wiz looks confused:

Jermaine – Wiz don’t mind him see you later.

Wiz- Aight

Later… (LOL)

Knock on the door, Jermaine opens the door

Jermaine - Hey wiz come in

Wiz – Thanks, hey I hope you didn’t mind I brought some weed to help us out.

Andre – Oh Wiz what a surprise you shouldn’t have
Wiz – Ha you know Andre I’m hoping that you smoke with me tonight you should try it.

Andre- No thanks

Wiz- : opens up homework book: Jermaine you smoke?

Jermaine – I have in the past, I’m good though.

Wiz- Well I guess that leaves Andre: stares at Andre:

Andre – Why are you so focus on getting me high, only if you focus on school the same?

Wiz- Dre you need to chill and smoke. Try it.

Andre- It’s Andre and no I will not.

Wiz – Come on man

Jermaine – Wiz let’s just start forget the weed for once.

Wiz- Okay; Laughs and bites on a Doritos chip:

Andre- : Stares at Wiz and Jermaine: Alright I’ll try it.

Dead Silence

Jermaine – You’ll try what?

Andre – The weed. Let me smoke it

Jermaine – What the Fuck.

Wiz- : Jumps up excited: Yes I knew it: Laughs and passes one to Andre” Take your time baby steps.

Jermaine – Andre are you for real right now.

Andre- Yes I am, I’m not a follower but wiz convinced me.

Wiz- This is an honor that I did, I feel like a proud father.

Beyond dead silence, Andre and Jermaine give wiz side eyes, Wiz smiles stupidly.

Andre -: Puffs and Jermaine and wiz stares and waits for Andre‘s reaction.

Jermaine- Andre are you okay?

Andre – That was it?

Wiz- Puff some more

Jermaine- No that’s enough

Wiz- He said that was it he suppose to be saying this some good shit smoke some more.

Jermaine- No!! Wiz that’s enough, you OD I swear.

Wiz- Ha Ha you feeling it dre

Jermaine – Wiz get out: slams wiz homework book:

Wiz- What? I didn’t put it to his mouth and say nigga smoke it.

Jermaine- You pretty much did... Get out.

Wiz- that’s not cool

Andre – Wait he can stay

Wiz- : smiles and sits back down:

Jermaine- This is my house Andre not yours and I want wiz gone, wiz get out.

Wiz- : get’s up from chair:

Andre- No stay

Wiz-: sits down:

Jermaine- Wiz Leave

Wiz: gets up:

Andre- No stay

Wiz - : sits down:

Jermaine- Wiz!! ; Jermaine shouts:

Wiz- : get’s up:

Andre- NO!!! : Andre shouts:

This is getting pathetic.

Wiz- Hold up which one is it do I stay or go?

Andre- Alright go

Wiz- Cool, hey if I offended you Jermaine I’m sorry: Wiz walks to the door:

Wiz- We still cool right?

Jermaine – slams door on wiz

Jermaine- How are you Andre?

Andre- Woof Woof: Andre makes a barking noise:

Jermaine- Andre?

Andre - Grunts and barks like a dog

Jermaine – What the fuck kind of weed he gave you

Andre- Jumps on table and Barks

Jermaine – Uh Oh

Part 2 Coming Jan 2011

Monday, December 20, 2010

Drake Skateboard


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

2011 Hurry Up

This Year has been Hell slowly counting down the days.......

Friday, December 3, 2010

Some Cool Graphics

I used to be really into creating wallpapers(desktops, sigs etc. I was never that good at it but I enjoyed the idea of making art on your computer lol.I heard about this site before but I never really search in the site so yesterday I did and it’s a good guide for new desktops.

Here's some that caught my eye