Sunday, March 28, 2010

Who is the Next Michael Jackson??? (Everyone's favorite tired subject)

So here we go again, people trying to find some other artist to crown the new Michael Jackson. Usher, Justin Timberlake and Chris brown all were in line to be the new Michael Jackson, now we have Quest love crowning Beyonce as the new Michael and now Rodney Jerkins crowning Lady Gaga as the new Michael. Will it ever stop!!! I see everything is back to normal now as far as the whole we love Michael fad (2009) All these artists that I mention I am huge fans of (well not Chris brown anymore , that’s another subject for another day) and I feel these artists are very talented but no where near Michael status. Why must we keep putting crowns on people, saying that they are the new this or the new that. Can’t they just be themselves and most said they are copying its called being influence people everybody feed off each other. It’s bad enough that the music industry can’t produce real talent anymore and when we do get an artist from this generation that is trying to make decent music we downgrade their talent by comparing them to a legend like Michael. It goes to show how much Michael was truly appreciated always trying to put his title on others. I’m not offended by it at all; I just feel it’s unfair to the artists from this generation. A lot of them are not even trying to become the new anything; it’s the media and fans that raise the bar higher for them.

Sadly we will never see talent like Michael again so we have to fool ourselves into thinking Beyonce is taking his place. I have a Love/Hate with this girl I tell you. I’m a fan of her but then someone hypes her up like she’s the second coming I hate her again. I’m personally over “who is the next MJ” craze. Music has gone downhill and will continue to. No matter what artists will always be compared deal with what’s out now, play an old Michael album and call it a day.

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