Sunday, October 17, 2010

Be Happy you're Hired

So of course I have been going to rehab for a couple weeks and most of the time I get a cab to take me there and lately I been coming home on the bus .But  for these two last weeks I'm not ,I'm going to be cabbing it back and forth but there's a cab driver that my mom used alot in the past so I am using him for rehab. He's been taking me back and forth the first two weeks but I got tired of calling him and him not being able to come or just plain don't return his message and also the bus is cheaper so I called a random cab .So the other day I get in the cab and guess who is the driver , he says what happen wednesday. I said umm I want to rehab he said you didn't call me I was waiting. Mind you I haven't used him in a minute so I thought he would have got the message , I said well I been catching the bus .. he said what's your mom number. I look at him with 0_o face and start laughing to myself so he calls my mom and is like what happen I been waiting and you can tell he was getting upset so I continued to laugh and he said to my mom this is a business or some crap. Listen If I call you and you do not answer and say you coming  I am not waiting on you I am getting a random cab or catching the bus. I don't wait for NO ONE you not there I bounce. So when rehab was over I called my mom ( I didn't have the cellphone on me ugh) I used the pay phone and said call him to pick me up before he get a heart attack. So I'm sitting there waiting on a friday and the wind is blowing where is he at. So I called my mom again and It's not like I had mad quarters on me to be using the pay phone like that the hot dog stand man didn't even have change so I call and say he's not here -_- she's like he didn't come yet . I'll call again I say this is crazy if he not here I'm catching a cab . She was like if he not there in 15 minutes leave so 5 -10 minutes he's there. What he does is in between picking me up of course he is getting other customers at the same time which is
Understandable because that is his job and that's why I haven't been using him if you not able to pick me up you think i'm going to wait no I am not. So this week coming if my mom wants to call and remind him to pick me up fine but if he doesn't show up i'm gone. Money must be really tight.

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