Friday, February 4, 2011

Let Me Roll It Part 2

I was suppose to update this story in Jan but I got distracted so here it is

Here's Part 1

Andre- Woof, Woof
Jermaine- This is not good I have to call wiz

Andre Jumps off the table and knocks down a vase.

Jermaine- That’s my mom’s favorite vase... damnit

Andre runs in jermaine’s bedroom, Jemaine calls wiz.

Wiz- Hello?
Jermaine- You have to come down here
Wiz- Who this?
Jermaine- This is jermaine you have to come back to my house right now
Wiz- You kicked me out though
Jermaine – I kicked you back in get over here
Wiz- Aight
Jermaine- What the … Andre

Jermaine walks into his room and finds his TV set crashed on to the floor

Jermaine- WTF, Andre!!!

Andre tears up jermaine’s clothes

Jermaine- That’s it, I’m getting my gun

Jermaine points gun at Andre

Jermaine- You my boy but I don’t play when it comes to my stuff

Andre runs in Jermaine closet, the door bell rings. Jermaine answers the door

Jermaine- Wiz you better fix this
Wiz- Fix what?
Jermaine- Go into my room

Wiz walks in Jermaine’s room and finds Andre barking at him. Wiz turns to Jermaine

Wiz- So your friend likes to pretend he’s a dog
Jermaine- Wiz the weed you gave him change his thinking, he thinks he’s a dog
Wiz- Oh no not my weed I never bark

Jermaine side eyes wiz
Wiz- Look the weed I gave him I never tried it
Jermaine- What?
Wiz- I got it from this scary dude, it’s like some kind of special weed. I guess it causes what happen to Andre
Jermaine- So what now, we contact the scary dude?
Wiz- We do nothing….
Jermaine- No I’m not going to have Andre stay like this
Wiz- I’m sure it will wear off, I have to go.
Jermaine- Hold up nah you staying until we get Andre Cured
Wiz- I can’t do that I got class tomorrow morning
Jermaine- You’re not leaving you did this you fixing it call your boy
Wiz- The scary dude?
Jermaine- Who else nigga

Wiz pulls out cell phone, Andre runs into the bathroom and drinks out the toilet

Wiz- Yeah this wiz I need you to do me a favor I gave some of your weed to a friend of mines and now he’s drinking out the toilet how do you fix that?
Wiz- Oh uh huh
Jermaine- What’s he saying?
Wiz- Uh huh: Nods head: Oh hmm
Jermaine- Well…..
Wiz- I see... Well thanks. Bye
Jermaine- So what he say?
Wiz- He said: Hesitate:
Jermaine- He said what?
Wiz- He can’t do anything

Jermaine chokes Wiz

Wiz- Hey Hey!! I tried no need for violence
Jermaine- I can’t believe this
Wiz- Okay so where I sleep

Jermaine side eyes Wiz, Wiz Blank stare.

Several hours later Andre awakes and finds himself on the bathroom floor

Andre- What? How did I get here, and why does my breath smell like shit??

Andre walks to the kitchen and finds Wiz having a midnight snack

Wiz- Hey you’re back to normal, I knew it would wear off
Andre- Wear off?
Wiz- The weed I gave you, you transformed into a dog barking, drinking out the toilet and everything
Andre – You can’t be serious
Wiz- Oh I am, Jermaine called me back here to help
Andre- And you helped me how?
Wiz- I didn’t: laughs: just had to wait for you to turn human again
Andre- Oh man I feel empty like I just came back to life
Wiz- Well welcome back
Andre- Where did you get that weed from?
Wiz- Some guy I know …why?
Andre – umm no reason

Andre stares at Wiz, Wiz Stares back
Wiz- You want some more?
Andre- well
Wiz-: Laughs: wow you got hooked on the first try I think its best you stay away from it
Andre- What? Now all of a sudden you’re the voice of reason? Introduce me to your weed friend
Wiz- Okay fine

Andre smiles

Andre- Since I’m okay now you are free to go
Wiz- you sure
Andre- Yeah I’m good
Wiz- Okay meet me in the library after your English class then we can talk business
Andre- No we have to talk outside of school grounds meet me in my limo I’ll get my chauffeur to let you know I arrived to school
Wiz- Okay... but Andre I get the feeling that this will not work out well for you
Andre- Are you serious? Wiz not encouraging me to smoke weed?
Wiz- Yeah you’re right: laughs: see you later

Its 7 A.M Jermaine walks into the living room

Jermaine- Andre you’re back to normal: checks Andre face: well you don’t look as high as you was
Andre – Yes I’m fine, I sent wiz on his way I don’t need a babysitter
Jermaine- Andre you was out of control, I definitely think this should be the last time you smoke weed
Andre – Yeah well I gotta go
Jermaine- Why the rush? You don’t have class until 12
Andre- umm yeah but I liked to get a head start
Jermaine- : looks confused: fine see you later
Andre- Yeah I’ll see you later and thanks again
Jermaine- You’re welcome I guess

Andre exits

Back at school Wiz is approach by Andre’s chauffeur

Are you Wiz Khalifa?
Wiz- Yeah that’s me
Walk around the corner a limo is waiting for you

Wiz walks and sees Andre wave from the limo

Andre- Wiz: Andre Whispers: Come here
Wiz- Hey
Andre- Where’s your friend?
Wiz- Oh I have to call him
Andre- Well hurry up

Wiz dials number on his phone

Andre- I have to meet him
Wiz- Okay cool: hangs up:
Andre- So?
Wiz- Drive up the road and you will see five guys near a grey building ask for rodman
Andre- You can’t come with me?
Wiz- No I can’t
Andre Why not?
Wiz- Well this only concerns you and him whatever you guys discuss doesn’t affect me meaning you want to buy weed from him you go to him. I can’t be your connection
Andre- Oh well I guess I better get going, you been a big help.
Wiz- You gonna need serious help messing with this dude: wiz mumbles under his breath:
Andre- What was that?
Wiz- Oh nothing: smiles: Go get your weed he’s waiting

Andre’s limo drives up to the grey building; Andre exits limo and walks up to one of the guys

The man is silent
Andre-I would like to see Rodman?

I’m Rodman
Andre: A little surprise by Rodman’s small size: Well I would like a supply of your weed. How much should I pay you?
Rodman- You serious?
Andre- Of course I am how much I pay you?
Rodman- How much you got?
Andre- I’m rich and my family income is in the millions
Rodman: smiles: 100,000
Andre- That’s all? : hands Rodman the money:
Rodman- : gives Andre the weed: Thanks: side eyes Andre:
Andre- Well I’ll be on my way nice doing business with you
Rodman- Not so fast you owe me more money
Andre- How so?
Rodman- You smoke the weed I gave to wiz
Andre- umm...
Rodman- Yeah you did
Andre- Okay I’ll just give you more money
Rodman- You see I took that personal you got my weed for free
Andre- but Wiz offered it to me
Rodman- The smart thing would have been is to decline his offer
Andre: looks nervous: I didn’t know I mean I have money that’s not an issue with me. Look I didn’t mean any disrespect
Rodman- You get me 10 million dollars you off the hook
Andre- What!!
Rodman- I thought money wasn’t an issue
Andre- It’s not but I only carry 2 million now I have to go into my family account and they rarely give me that much. Sorry I won’t pay that for weed you must be crazy

Rodman grabs Andre and shoves him to the building wall

Rodman- You right I am crazy and you better pay me my money if you want to live nigga

Andre becomes silent

Part 3 coming soon.

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