Saturday, August 30, 2008

Aww poor Robin

It's really sad that there is still racism in this world ...and guess who else think it's sad robin thicke ...Robin thicke is upset over the fact that vibe magazine has not put him on the cover ..why you asked ?here is where the so called reverse racism comes in ..vibe doesn't want him on the cover because he's white
his words:
Robin Thicke speaks on color in the new Billboard magazine:

When I did a recent interview with Vibe magazine I asked, “Why can’t I get the cover? This is a magazine I love. If there’s one magazine that I’d want to be on the cover of, it’s Vibe.” Their response was they don’t have white artists on the cover; that the only white artist they’ve had on the cover was Eminem. I guess if that’s what it is, it is what it is. And I respect that because I live in a house with a black woman.

I won’t use the word “racism.” I will say it’s a tough — but rewarding — fight. I look at Mary J. Blige, somebody who has had only a few pop hits and yet has changed culture, generated new sounds and inspired leagues of artists. She’s now a worldwide phenomenon. And it’s because of what she stood for; she never gave up. She kept making great music, pouring her heart out to people.

You can’t always expect people to be as color-blind or open-minded as you want. What you can do is keep giving your heart and soul, like Bob Marley did. His music became so overwhelmingly loving; it was a relentless love in a sense. Keep beating them down with love and they can’t stop you.

hmmm now first of all vibe is lying ...eminem was not the only one I do recall justin timberlake(because I brought the issue )and some others being on it as well.Now since it is a black magazine of course they would want only black people on it I honestly feel that if vibe did say this's messed up since they have had White people on the magazine ,Robin Thicke I guess has not won over the black crowd as much as he thought to be on the cover ..i'm black as he won me over NO ...him having a black wife doesn't change anything either so don't get why he felt to add that in his Argument lol Magic one of my favorite songs YES but I don't know robin maybe a few more hits you might get on the cover =/ messed up though ..mad he ask to be on it lol.

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