Monday, May 31, 2010


Going to fix up my blog this week is it for better or worse ? Not sure it's not like i'm very active on here anyway lol. This blog was intended to show my thoughts on things but my best posts are on Music . Maybe I should just make this a music blog  =D.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's useless

Have you ever told someone to please do this but the person takes forever to do it. Yeah that's what's Happening with me and this thing that I want this person to do is very Important and it's something that NEEDS to be done . *sighs* My life at the moment is filled with Happiness and not so much Happiness I can't explain. This is my emo blog for today.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I just needed a fresh post for this month . I'll post something worthwhile this coming week.