Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Growing Up Ghetto Indeed

So this past weekend was so boring for me. The elevator doesn’t work so I was pretty much stranded in my own house (can you believe that?) But keep in my mind I live on the third floor so it’s not like I can’t walk down the steps. Keyword I, my mom leg is messed up so she couldn’t do nothing for the whole weekend. So this is where I come in I had to run errands for my mom (Which I had no problem with) But the actual problem was that it was beyond HOT and I had just got my hair done (yep sounding like a diva right now which is something I am not trust me.) and my hair got sweated out I could not believe it I just got it done. But what do I expect? Heat and long flowing pressed out hair don’t mix. It’s funny because the weather now for this week is still hot but not like it was this past weekend. And plus I’m broke so I have to wait till the first of the month just like all the other ghetto people in this neighborhood ( I’m a Uppity Black just in case you don’t know) I am too outdone right now I’m about to pop in this Jay- Z mix tape to kill my boredom.

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