Monday, December 27, 2010

Rags to Riches – Let Me Roll it

So I got the idea to write fan fiction these days from someone and well it’s snowing here and I am beyond bored so here’s my fan fiction to share. No I mean ghetto fiction (;

These stories are silly and not meant to take seriously I have no aspirations of being a writer so if it sucks it’s not crushing any dreams.


Andre -Think of a light skin cuter version of Carlton

Jermaine- A mixed of a Thug and Decent Young black man

Wiz Khalifa – Himself

Wiz is in a dilemma he must have good marks on his homework to pass his final grade but the weed is taking over so he enlists Andre and Jermaine for help.

Wiz – So Andre what do you like to do for fun?

Andre – well unlike yourself I like to read, you know educate myself for the future. Wiz have you ever heard of the future and all the possibilities of it?

Wiz- Huh?

Andre- Yeah I wouldn’t expect you to since you’re always high

Wiz- Hold up I’m never high just free, I don’t worry like you two.

Jermaine – What exactly do I have to worry about?

Andre – Yes enlightened us.

Wiz- Nah I’m saying I just let life happen, you know whatever happens happen for a reason.

Jermaine – What does that have to do with smoking weed?

Wiz- Weed is part of me letting things happen, it cures my worries, your boy Andre needs to take a hit he’s such a tight ass.

Andre – I’m a tight ass because I care about my education unlike you, I saw you during class and I wonder how you even made it to this college

Wiz – I’m smart that’s how I made it: Wiz Laughs:

Andre- Well act like it, you’re an embarrassment 100 % of the time.

Jermaine – Anyway why did you call us here, you know meet you in an alley of all places.

Wiz – I need a favor

Jermaine – What?

Wiz- I need one of you to do my homework.

Andre – You request us to meet you in an alley just for you to say can you do my homework. Well thanks for being a waste in my life. I’m leaving

Wiz- No!!1 I really need you guys to help me if I don’t get it done I might not pass and you two are very smart ..

Andre – And weed less

Wiz- : blank stare: Are you trying to play me?

Jermaine – Wiz drop by my house later tonight me and Andre will tutor you

Andre- What, no I will not, I refuse

Jermaine – Andre Can I speak to you in private, excuse us wiz.

Wiz – Take your time: Wiz prepares to smoke some more:

Andre - : Whispers: Are you insane? Why should we help this drug addict.

Jermaine- Why not? I’m sure he’ll pay us I could use the extra cash you know that fool spends $10k a month on weed I mean you’re rich but I sure can use it.

Andre – Jermaine look at him; Andre and Jermaine stop to look at wiz, wiz looks back and smiles: He’s an idiot...

Jermaine – Just do this for me

Andre – Alright but you tutor him I’ll watch.

Jermaine – Alright wiz come to my house at 7:00 p.m we’ll help you.

Wiz – Aww thanks you my nigga’s

Andre – You my what?

Wiz- You my nigga, my boys: Wiz looks confused:

Jermaine – Wiz don’t mind him see you later.

Wiz- Aight

Later… (LOL)

Knock on the door, Jermaine opens the door

Jermaine - Hey wiz come in

Wiz – Thanks, hey I hope you didn’t mind I brought some weed to help us out.

Andre – Oh Wiz what a surprise you shouldn’t have
Wiz – Ha you know Andre I’m hoping that you smoke with me tonight you should try it.

Andre- No thanks

Wiz- : opens up homework book: Jermaine you smoke?

Jermaine – I have in the past, I’m good though.

Wiz- Well I guess that leaves Andre: stares at Andre:

Andre – Why are you so focus on getting me high, only if you focus on school the same?

Wiz- Dre you need to chill and smoke. Try it.

Andre- It’s Andre and no I will not.

Wiz – Come on man

Jermaine – Wiz let’s just start forget the weed for once.

Wiz- Okay; Laughs and bites on a Doritos chip:

Andre- : Stares at Wiz and Jermaine: Alright I’ll try it.

Dead Silence

Jermaine – You’ll try what?

Andre – The weed. Let me smoke it

Jermaine – What the Fuck.

Wiz- : Jumps up excited: Yes I knew it: Laughs and passes one to Andre” Take your time baby steps.

Jermaine – Andre are you for real right now.

Andre- Yes I am, I’m not a follower but wiz convinced me.

Wiz- This is an honor that I did, I feel like a proud father.

Beyond dead silence, Andre and Jermaine give wiz side eyes, Wiz smiles stupidly.

Andre -: Puffs and Jermaine and wiz stares and waits for Andre‘s reaction.

Jermaine- Andre are you okay?

Andre – That was it?

Wiz- Puff some more

Jermaine- No that’s enough

Wiz- He said that was it he suppose to be saying this some good shit smoke some more.

Jermaine- No!! Wiz that’s enough, you OD I swear.

Wiz- Ha Ha you feeling it dre

Jermaine – Wiz get out: slams wiz homework book:

Wiz- What? I didn’t put it to his mouth and say nigga smoke it.

Jermaine- You pretty much did... Get out.

Wiz- that’s not cool

Andre – Wait he can stay

Wiz- : smiles and sits back down:

Jermaine- This is my house Andre not yours and I want wiz gone, wiz get out.

Wiz- : get’s up from chair:

Andre- No stay

Wiz-: sits down:

Jermaine- Wiz Leave

Wiz: gets up:

Andre- No stay

Wiz - : sits down:

Jermaine- Wiz!! ; Jermaine shouts:

Wiz- : get’s up:

Andre- NO!!! : Andre shouts:

This is getting pathetic.

Wiz- Hold up which one is it do I stay or go?

Andre- Alright go

Wiz- Cool, hey if I offended you Jermaine I’m sorry: Wiz walks to the door:

Wiz- We still cool right?

Jermaine – slams door on wiz

Jermaine- How are you Andre?

Andre- Woof Woof: Andre makes a barking noise:

Jermaine- Andre?

Andre - Grunts and barks like a dog

Jermaine – What the fuck kind of weed he gave you

Andre- Jumps on table and Barks

Jermaine – Uh Oh

Part 2 Coming Jan 2011

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